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Travel & Tour Directory

The Dubaidir database in order to introduce travelers, tourists and businessmen to all relevant fields in UAE has various information about tourism attraction, practitioner database and state dealing database in UAE. You can join for free to these instructions now and benefit from all facilities in this website. This website established on three main categories: traveling and inhabitancy, properties and facilities and information about jobs and dealings.


Traveling and inhabitancy: information for simplify your travel to UAE Such as traveling agencies, hotels and immigration info.

Properties and facilities: an overview of tourism attractions in Dubai and UAE.

Jobs and dealings: exclusive facilities for informing various jobs, economical and commercial activities, estate dealing in Dubai and other UAE cities. For having full access you’d better register in website.

Top page zone consist of: contact us, advertisements and sitemap

Contact us: sending any message and view about site.

Advertisements: you can have access to attractive advertising methods throw internet or SMS.

Sitemap: guidance for website pages.

And left folders consist of: news folder, language button and sport news

News folder: consist of lastest news.

Language button: you can change site language to Persian or English.

Sport news: last sport news and especially soccer.

Travel & Tour Directory

Emirates Information

Job Information

Property Information