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Get a National Identity Card in the UAE

Last updated: July 2008

Instead of having multiple identity cards like driving licenses, work permits, employee cards, passports, e-cards, the UAE Federal Government created a single national identity card in April 2006, with in-built smart features including biometrics and advanced ID features that will eventually eliminate the need to carry multiple cards. At a later date, it can be used as a travel document within the GCC.

Emirates Identity Authority(EIDA), a federal government organization has already rolled out the first phase of the national identity card, as part of a comprehensive three year plan to provide National ID cards to three categories: UAE nationals, GCC citizens living in UAE and other UAE residents.

Registration is currently open for UAE nationals, GCC citizens working or residing in the UAE, or expatriate government staff working in Dubai or Abu Dhabi. With this phase over, registration is now also open for residents having senior positions in private companies or holding university degrees. For registering your family, you must ensure that your child has his/her own passport. Maids/domestic staff in your household are not included and separate dates will be announced for their registration later.

::Criteria & Validity
You must be either a UAE national, a GCC citizen working or residing in the UAE, or a UAE resident and above 15 years of age. The card is valid for lifetime for nationals (with renewal every five years) and validity for other residents depends on the validity of the visa. However, the same card can be used, once the residence visa is renewed.

1. Book an online appointment.
2. Before going for your appointment, fill up this online application form from EIDA website and take a printout, using only a laser printer.
3. Visit the nearest EIDA service centre and pay the registration fee, while submitting your form.
4. Allow bio metric and fingerprinting to be done and get your original documents scanned.
5. Congratulations. You can either choose to have your National ID card sent to you by Empost or personally collect after 3 working days.

::Documents & fees
UAE Nationals: Original Family Book & Passport. AED 100
UAE Residents: Original passport. AED 100 per year of visa validity.
Lost or damaged card: AED 300

To keep track of updated changes to procedures, please see the EIDA website

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